Ever watched a handball game and thought to yourself, ‘I would like to try that’? Well, this is your chance to learn. Handball is a thrilling sport that combines elements of basketball, soccer, and netball into a fast-paced game that is sure to get your heart pumping. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of playing handball with 11 essential steps. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of the game, its rules, and the skills needed to start playing! 

Step #1. Understand the objective of the game 

In handball, your primary aim is to score more goals than your opponent within the allotted game time. It is achieved by throwing the ball into the opponent’s net. However, handball is not just about scoring goals. It also involves strategic gameplay, teamwork, and skilful manipulation of the ball to outsmart your opponent. 

Step #2. Know the team structure 

A handball team comprises seven players, including a goalkeeper and six outfield players. These outfield players consist of left and right-wingers, left and right-backs, a centre-back, and a pivot. Each position has a unique role, making teamwork critical for success. Understanding these positions and their roles will help you integrate better into your team. 

Step #3. Familiarise yourself with the field 

The handball court, similar to a basketball court, is a rectangular indoor space that includes a centre, two goal areas, and two longer side lines known as sidelines. Familiarise yourself with these and the specific rules associated with them to ensure you know where you can and cannot move during the game. 

Step #4. Learn the basic rules 

A sound understanding of the rules is vital to enjoy and succeed in handball. Key rules include limitations on holding the ball or taking steps without dribbling, restrictions on body contact, and rules around restarting play after a goal, foul, or out-of-bounds situation. Familiarity with these rules will allow you to navigate the game with confidence. 

Step #5. Master the basic skills 

Throwing, catching, dribbling, running, and jumping form the foundation of handball skills. As a player, you must practice these regularly to improve. For example, you could practise throwing at a target to improve your accuracy or dribbling around obstacles to improve your ball control. 

Step #6. Develop strategic game plays 

Handball is a game of strategy. Teams use various offensive and defensive tactics to gain an advantage over their opponents. Learning these tactics, such as the fast break or the zone defence, will make you a more effective and valuable team player. 

Step #7. Train regularly 

Just like any other sport, regular training is crucial in handball. It includes individual training sessions to improve your skills, and team training sessions to work on tactical plays, improve teamwork, and develop a game sense. 

Step #8. Understand penalties and free throws 

In handball, penalties and free throws are awarded for specific types of fouls and can dramatically influence the outcome of a game. Knowing when and why these are awarded, as well as how to execute or defend them, is an important aspect of handball strategy. 

Step #9. Participate in matches 

Applying your knowledge and skills in real-game situations is essential for your development as a player. Participating in matches allows you to test your skills against opponents, learn from your mistakes, and adapt to the dynamics of a real game. 

Step #10. Keep learning and improving 

Improvement comes from continuous learning. Watch professional matches to learn advanced skills and strategies. Seek feedback from your coaches and more experienced players. Use this information to identify areas for improvement and make a plan to address them. 

Step #11. Enjoy the game 

Despite the competition, it is essential to remember that handball, like any sport, should be enjoyed. Embrace the spirit of the game, cherish the friendships you make on the court, and celebrate the growth and achievements, both personal and team-based, that come with playing handball. 


There you have it, your step-by-step guide to playing handball. We have covered everything from the basic rules and skills to strategic game plays and continuous improvement. Remember, becoming proficient at handball, like any sport, takes time, practice, and most importantly, a love for the game. So, pick up that ball, step onto the court, and let the handball adventure begin. 

We cannot wait to see where this journey takes you. Perhaps you will find a new hobby, make new friends, or even ignite a passion that leads you to compete professionally. Share your experience with us! 

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